Availability and Rooms

How To Insert Your iCal

[VIDEO](https://www.nomadstays.com/video/How-to-update-your-ical.mp4) 1 - Prepare Your iCal Grab the iCal from your Master Calendar source and store it somewhere handy (eg Stick Notes on your computer) 2 - Your Dashboard Log In and go to your Stay Dashboard 3 -Select Your Stay Choose the Stay you wish to edit (if you have several) 4 - Choose Room Choose the Room Section and find the room you wish to add the iCal to. 5 - Find the Inbound iCal Area Go to the Inbound iCal Area 6 - Paste ...

Limited Availability

What happens if I have limited availability? In order to remain listed for free on our accommodation booking platform you'll need to ensure you have enough availability for us to sell your rooms throughout the year. As a general rule you'll need at least 45 nights bookable in the next 6 months. Falling Below the Minimum Threshold When your availability falls below the minimums threshold your listing will be turned off, and it won't be possible for our members to see or book you until your av...

Room Types

Room Types What configuration do each of the room types represent? (hotel / resort) Rooms Single Room A room with 1 bed designed for 1 person. Double Room A room designed for 2 people that share the same 1 bed. Twin Room A room designed for 2 people who each have their own beds (2 beds). The beds are typically single beds athough 2 x king sized beds are not unusual in a double room for upmarket lodgings. Family Room Usually the room that sleeps the most people. A roo...

How Many Rooms Do I Allocate?

You'll want to allocate at least one room/bed all the time to ensure you remain listed on the site. (You're listing will disappear as a booking option if there's nothing we can sell.) Several rooms allocated will mean that when we sell the first one we will automatically have another to sell. This opens up the possibity of groups of friends booking together for instance.

Adding More Rooms

Adding More Rooms There are several ways you can add more rooms. - You can add additional room quantities for the existing Room Type - eg You want to go from 2 to 4 Twin Rooms. - You can also add Additional Room Types - eg Adding a 2 Bedroom Apartment to your current listing 1. Adding Additional Room Quantities To add additional quantities of your existing room just log in and write the new number of rooms available into the Standard Availability box, and Sa...

Can I list for only part of the year?

Can I list for only part of the year? Yes, you can, but you run the risk of your page being deactivated if there's nothing available to book in the coming months. Your page will also be ranked below Stays that are open more of the year. As can be seen on each Stay page the availability for the coming months is listed for all members to see. Without much availability Members are more likely to bypass your offerings.

Why Can't I Delete a Blocked Date?

Why Can't I Delete a Blocked Period? I can't see the Delete Button near my blocked periods Answer: You are probably using an iCal availability feed from another party. When you use an iCal feed from another party, we take that 'master' availability source and import it into our system. As the blocked dates do not originate in our extranet system you must edit the master source at the other party to change the feed into Nomad Stays. We 'hide' the delete button from your page,...

I have a large apartment or several apartments. How do I list them?

I have a large apartment or several apartments. How do I list them? Nomad Stays caters for both 'hotel' style Stays that have multiple rooms of a similar type as well as 'apartment' style Stays where each apartment is substantially different to other apartments and sold individually. Hotel Style When you run a 'hotel' style you will choose a single 'roomtype', such as a Double Room, and then you will allocate a quantity of those rooms for us to sell for you, e.g. 10 Double rooms. U...

I have several different rooms. How do I list them?

I have several different rooms. How do I list them? When you have a small number of rooms you have a choice of 2 different ways to list them. - One Room Type, or - Individual Rooms Choice 1 is the most popular in the world as you have probably seen when visiting a hotel. Choice 1 - One Room Type Choice 1 means you list: - 1 room type, and - Multiple rooms available eg 5 x Double Rooms available. One of the reasons this is most preferred in the world is that it al...

Editing Your Rooms

Editing your rooms allows you to show off more of the individual rooms at your Stay. This is different from the overall Stay information or images as its of greater detail and specific to the rooms. 1. Room Information Room Title Your "Room Title" is the common name you may have for the type or style of room. Hotels might call them things like "Single Person Rooms", "Couples Rooms" or "Group Rooms" for instance. Smaller Stays might only have 1 room of each type and use names li...

How Block Out Periods Work

Shortcut Help > Any dates listed in the Block Out Periods are completely blocked to Nomad Stays booking engine. Background You'll recall that Nomad Stays works on an "instant booking" basis. Which means a nomad can book and confirm a room package instantly if we have a room available to sell. If no rooms are available, then the nomad will need to choose different dates or maybe a different Stay to make a booking. To become listed, you will have already given us a regular quantity of roo...

Different Configuration Rooms

Different Configuration Rooms All your rooms of a certain type may not be the same configuration. For instance a hostel might have 4 bed dorms and 10 bed dorms. A gite might have 1 double room with 2 beds and another with only 1. The trick here is to use the 'description' box on your updates to let us know which room you're referring to. We may use this description in the promotion of the prices to ensure guests know exactly what they're getting. TIP: Try to describe the minimum room co...