How Block Out Periods Work

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Any dates listed in the Block Out Periods are completely blocked to Nomad Stays booking engine.



You'll recall that Nomad Stays works on an "instant booking" basis. 

Which means a nomad can book and confirm a room package instantly if we have a room available to sell.


If no rooms are available, then the nomad will need to choose different dates or maybe a different Stay to make a booking.

To become listed, you will have already given us a regular quantity of rooms to sell. We call this the "Regular Availability". 


From time to time though you may be closed or full from other bookings so need to 'block' our access to your rooms.  We call these short periods "Block Out Periods".


iCal Enabled Inventory Systems

If you are using an iCal to feed us your availability, then you will enter your block out periods into your master iCal source.

Our system then reads your availability from the master source.

Tip.  When you are using iCal blocking out within our system will have no effect.  Our system will always align your availability with your master source.

So, always enter your private bookings, block out periods etc. into your master ical source.



Block Out Periods

A 'Block Out Period" is a period of time when you give us zero (0) rooms to sell.

You've effectively 'blocked us' from selling in those periods.

Because you've set zero (0) rooms available on certain days our system prevents bookings that span those days from being taken.


Choosing the Correct Block Out Dates

The dates you need to enter are the nights that you are full.

For example

  • By entering 13 April to 14 April you are saying that there are 2 nights that you are full.  So you have blocked us from selling rooms that involve these 2 nights.


We can see on the booking pages the effect.

  • The nights of 13 April and 14 April are not available to be booked


Entering Block Out Periods into Nomad Stays

To enter "Block Out Periods" you need to:

  1. Log In
  2. Go to your Dashboard
  3. Choose the "Edit More" button under Step 2 - Set Availability
  4. Find the correct Room Type you are blocking
  5. Record the date of the first night you wish to block from us
  6. Record the date of the last night in the period you wish to block from us.
    1. i.e. - any date listed or included in the range will be blocked


How to UnBlock Periods

Simply find the "Blocked Dates" you've entered and click the Delete button to delete the blockage.