Limited Availability



What happens if I have limited availability?

In order to remain listed for free on our accommodation booking platform you'll need to ensure you have enough availability for us to sell your rooms throughout the year.

As a general rule you'll need at least 45 nights bookable in the next 6 months.


Falling Below the Minimum Threshold

When your availability falls below the minimums threshold your listing will be turned off, and it won't be possible for our members to see or book you until your availability returns and you get re-listed.



When you want to relist just make sure your Packages and Room Availability are up to date, and able the threshold.  Then send us a note to request a re-Listing (if we've not sent you an invitation already).  We'll then send you a Re-Listing Fee to pay, and after payment your page will be turned back on, ready for bookings again.


How to Avoid De-Listing and Re-Listing Fees

To avoid being delisted any paying re-listing fees is really easy.

You simply make sure you have both:

  1. An Available Room, and
  2. An Available Package

where there are at least 45 nights able to be booked in the next 6 months.

We suggest you set 18 months of Packages and ongoing availability to avoid timing mistakes.

We suggest you avoid blocking out large ranges of dates. 

Instead, block only the nights you are busy.  Or better still, have it automatically blocked from an automated feed from your channel management software.

If you still find that you've got very little to sell in the coming 6-months then we congratulate you.  It would generally mean your marketing has been highly successful, and you probably don't need the help of a booking platform or online travel agent just yet.


Advertising on the Nomad Marketplace is an alternative to the Booking Platform

We recognize that smaller, or part time, properties in particular may struggle with maintaining enough availability for booking platforms or may offer highly customized packages that may not be a good fit for online travel agents like us.

If you have only incidental availability, specialty products, high prices, or other reasons outside our accommodation booking platform guidelines you may find advertising on our Nomad Marketplace a better option to present your products to digital nomads.

With our Pay per Click model the Nomad Marketplace allows the many thousands of digital nomads that visit our sites every month to see your adverts and click through to your offerings.