Stay Verification

Stay Verification

To become listed on Nomad Stays you and your Stay will need to meet certain verification requirements.

These are designed to ensure only legitimate Stays, and operators, are listed and form part of the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Know-Your-Business (KYB) legal requirements that exist around the world.


Evidence Examples

We look at a range of information for evidence that your Stay exists, and is legal.

The information we review includes:

  • Websites
  • Email addresses
  • Internets Domains
  • Blog posts
  • Media reports
  • Government licenses and listings
  • Social Media listings and posts
  • Government directories
  • Listings on other hospitality platforms
  • Official tourism registration names and numbers
  • Official business registration names and numbers
  • Consistent branding
  • Contact details
  • Trust based registrations such as TrustPilot
  • Credit Reference service providers
  • Banking references
  • Government land registers
  • Government tax registers


I'm a New Business

Even new businesses will have a range of business matters established before they can begin trading. 

Generally, businesses will start marketing ahead of receiving final official business registration in many countries.  They will have created their brands, websites, emails and begun posting on social media.  You'll already have begun applying for your official permits, and tax numbers etc.  All of these are indications that you intend to open a business soon.

While your new business may have less listings than many right now, you'll need to provide us with enough evidence to show you're a legitimate Stay and operator.