Why Use a Cohost

Why Use a Cohost

Why would you want to work with a Cohost?

While there is quite a range of possible services a Cohost can offer they tend to offer Stays with up to 3 basic advantages

  1. Greater travel industry experience
  2. Greater technology skills
  3. Part time labour


1. Greater travel industry experience

Taping into a wider range of experience in the travel industry can be a real advantage for Stay owners.

For instance you may excel in the hospitality aspects of running your Stay.  Meeting and dealing with guests, servicing their needs face to face etc.  But when it comes to tapping into GDS systems, the massive reach of Google Maps or understanding how many business hotels are morphing into digital nomads lifestyle properties to compete with apartments you might find you need greater knowledge or understanding from people with more experience.


2. Greater technology skills

For good or bad the era of digital business is firmly with us today.  Word-of-mouth marketing is no longer the largest source of new clients generally around the world.

Yet, many of us didn't grow up learning a lot of computer skills, so we find the tasks of engaging with digital platforms very confusing and time consuming.

Cohosts can fill the gap here. Cohosts tend to have very good technology skills so can do things in a few minutes that might take hours for someone with less technology experience.  And travel industry specialists probably have greater experience or ability to jump into a new system or platform faster than you can.


3. Part time labour

Sometimes you just need an extra pair of hands, or want to lighten your load.

Offloading some of the regular hospitality tasks to a Cohost can turn a long day into something a lot more pleasant.

Yet, putting someone on part or full time comes with a lot of administration duties and responsibilities.