How to Find Your iCal on Sirvoy

Sirvoy allows one-way and two-way connection with iCal sources. Find Your iCal to Share with Nomad Stays - Go to Settings -> Channels -> iCal and click “Connect”. - Find the room for which you want to share availability information and click Generate export URL. - Copy the URL displayed and share it with any number of iCal channels. The channels may then call the URL regularly, and Sirvoy will respond with the availability for that room. Paste Your Nomad Stays iCal to Share with Sirvoy ...

How to Test Your Own iCal Links

Over the past 15 years the iCalendar internet format has become the main method of small Stay operators sharing their online availability with all sorts of apps and platforms. Reading an iCal 'feed' isn't as easy as reading say a document like a pdf or word doc. So how do you see what your iCalendar is sharing to the world. 1. Technical Testing - are one of the groups promoting the use of the iCalendar internet format. They have a technical testing tool on their ...

Free and Cheap iCal Suppliers

Free and Cheap iCal Suppliers - [Accommodation Calendar]( - [AvailCalendar]( (free) - [Google Calendar]( Why an Independent iCal Service is a Great Idea Many Online Travel Agencies (OTA), like Airbnb, and Nomad Stays offer free iCal services to both feed out their availability to other iCal compatible systems, as well as read in ot...

Tested iCal Suppliers

Tested iCal Suppliers Nomad Stays has successfully tested the following Channel Managers and iCal suppliers. - Airbnb - Anytime Booking - BeeRent - BookandLink - - CloudBeds - MyAllocator - Google Calendar - HomeAway (VRBO) - Hostfully - Hotelizer - Lodgify - Nightsbridge - PHOBS - Smoobu - VRBO / Home Away - WebHotelier - Ynnov

All About iCal

All About iCal > Nomad Stays can accept your iCal feeds from your calendaring system. > > We also have our own iCal feeds (out) so your calendaring system can get updates from us. Up-To-Date Room Availability is Critical It's vital that your room availability is always up to date with Nomad Stays. In almost all cases this 'live' availability will be fed in from your Channel Manager or your primary iCal supplier. Warning: If you reject a booking because your availability isn't accur...

Do I Need an iCal?

Do I Need an iCal? Generally, yes. Unless you are sufficient large enough to have spare capacity (you have more than 15 rooms) and have given us [free-sale]( you will need to provide us with: - your iCal, or - free feed from an API-integrated Channel Management partner. With an automatic feed there is much less chance of overbookings. Overbookings can easily result in a booking not going ahead at all. it's a problem for everyone that ofte...

Outbound iCal Links

Outbound iCal links are links from the Nomad Stays Availability System showing your closed dates in an iCalendar format. You can share with other iCal compatible technologies and businesses like Google & Microsoft Calendars, Airbnb,, VRBO etc. The iCal format allows these other systems to read the Nomad Stays calendar and determine if the room is available for booking or not on any particular night. If Nomad Stays has also inserted an iCal from your primary calendar, then a two-way...

Updating Your Google Calendar for iCal changes

Google Calendar can read iCal feeds from Nomad Stays and other feeds you have. But Google's standard settings DO NOT update for change. You need to manually turn on SYNCing to get your Google Calendar updated. Activate Google Sync There is a well-hidden Google Calendar "sync" setting that is not reachable from within the main interface which seems to affect the external calendar updates. Such settings can be reached from this URL: -

How to find your iCal on Airbnb

How to Find your iCal on Airbnb What is an iCal link? iCal link is a special internet address (URL) that looks similar to this: Each room on Airbnb has a unique link address. The link is made up of the: - Site Address: []( - Where on the site to look: [/calendar/ical/](

How to Find your iCal on

How to Find your iCal on What is an iCal link? iCal link is a special internet address (URL) that looks similar to this: []( or Each room on has a unique link address. The link is made up of the: - Site Address: [](https:...

How to find your iCal on Smoobu

How to Find your iCal on Smoobu What is an iCal link? iCal link is a special internet address (URL) that looks like this: Each room on Smoobu has a unique link address. The link is made up of the: - Site Address: []( - Where on the site to look:[/ical/detail/]( - An unique ID number:...

How to Find your iCal on MyAllocator CloudBeds

How to Find your iCal on MyAllocator (CloudBeds) MyAllocator's Provided Instructions What is an iCal link? iCal link is a special internet address (URL) that looks like this: Each room on MyAllocator has a unique link address. The link is made up of the: - Site Addre...

How to Find your iCal on OwnerRez

How to Find your iCal on OwnerRez What is an iCal link? iCal link is a special internet address (URL) that looks similar to this: [https://www.f]([loridarentals/calendar/ical/2290/9de349834u395y30985395vn395vn30.ics](https://www.floridarentals/calendar/ical/2290/9de349834u395y30985395vn395vn30.ics) Each room on OwenerRez has a unique link address. The link is made up of the: - Site Address: [https://www.YourReservatio...

How to Find Your iCal on WebHotelier

iCal link is a special internet address (URL) that looks similar to this: []({propertycode}-{roomcode}.ics

How to Find your iCal on Google Calendar

How to Find your iCal on Google Calendar What is an iCal link? iCal link is a special internet address (URL) that looks like this: How to Find your iCal on Google Calendar Each Google Calendar has 1-2 unique link addresses. - Public address, or - Secret address If you don't want everyone...

Using Google Calendar for your iCal Feed

Using Google Calendar for your iCal Feed Google Calendar is a cheap way to run a booking calendar. Google Calendar also allows you to share the calendar in an iCal format. Which means you can use it to feed into our system. Accommodation Room iCal events are recorded against a particular night as either open or closed (available or busy). The general standard is to record the closed night as being for the 'day' it STARTS. So, a guest that checks-in on the 13th and departs on the 14th will g...