Complaints about Stays

Complaints about Stays

If your Stay is not what you booked, you should first discuss this with your Stay Host.

Ultimately, Stays are responsible for delivering their own products and services, as they have marketed.

Most issues tend to be minor and are usually worked out between the Host and the Member.  It's worth noting that Stays sometimes get caught with last minute breakages, or unexpected maintenance, or unexpected matters.  These tend to be cosmetic, or of minor inconvenience, and most Stay operators will try to make up for anything missing, with practical or reasonable alternatives.

In situations where you feel the missing elements are so material that they can't be worked around, then you should ask your Stay to help you find a suitable equivalent or replacement place to stay in the area.  If no replacement can be made in a reasonable time, then you should agree with your Stay to cancel the contract and get a portion of your money back.

It's worth remembering that each business you deal with will have its own terms and conditions for the use of their products and services so it's worthwhile reviewing a Stay's cancellation policies.  Local laws in many countries also regulate the usage, and contracts, between either, traveller accommodation or short-term rental providers, and guests.